Following the showings of eight new works last year, we sat down with all the theatre makers and asked them what would have improved the experience for them. As one of the playwrights, I agreed with the majority of the group who said they would have liked more time to work on their projects. This year we have three creative developments scheduled with the intention of three different outcomes.

Our first creative development will be a week long session rehearsing and exploring THE THREESOME by Cairns playwright Liz Christensen. We asked Liz to share some thought on the play and her career with us.

Describe The Threesome in three words.

Sexy. Ugly. Funny.

What inspired you to write The Threesome?

Where do I start? Ha ha. A dream. My friends. Friendship. Uni. High school. That confusing time in your life. That age. New found freedom. Trying to figure out who you are and where you fit in the world.

What development has The Threesome already received?

I began writing The Threesome in 2012 through the Enter Stage Write program at JUTE theatre in Cairns. The program included group sessions with other writers and one on one time with Dramaturg Peter Matheson. In 2013 JUTE got a grant for a week of development – where we rehearsed for the first half of the day, then I’d re-write in the afternoon, bringing a new script/scene the next day; which ended in a Show and Tell on Friday night with audience feedback – it was a fantastic experience.

Who did you write this for?

Originally I was writing it for uni students. I remember when I was studying at uni as an actor we had no plays about uni available to us and very little plays with Australian people our age. I think there’s a lack of voice out there for the younger generation. This play is to give a voice to young people and I hope they will enjoy this play. However, I don’t discriminate, I hope it speaks to people across all generations but I think the swearing might be too much for some.

You’re a writer, actor and a director – do you enjoy one of these roles more than the other?

I just enjoy working in theatre. I enjoy sweeping the floors of a theatre! Each of these roles has different joys and pressures so I really can’t say that I enjoy one more than the other. At the moment writing suits me the best as I’m raising a young family. One of the greatest gifts I’ve been given in theatre is observation. Those rare times when you get the experience and learning without the pressure; it’s quite a treat.


Liz Christensen has been writing poetry since she was a teenager. She completed a Bachelor of Theatre at James Cook University and dabbled in scriptwriting but mostly chased the Acting dream. She got involved in JUTE Theatre Company as an Actor and a Director; and was encouraged to try playwriting as well. She has taken part in JUTE Theatre’s Enter Stage Wright program since 2012. As a new Mum she has found writing to be the best outlet for her creative energy.

THE THREESOME will have a showing at 3pm on Sun 12 April

Click here to reserve your seat or here to find out more